Peter Szolovits’ Publications


These are listed in chronological order.  Some are hyperlinked to on-line available copies of the documents. Note that in some cases, these are not as they appeared in print but late drafts, because of copyright limitations.  PMCID shows Pubmed Central identifiers, which represent papers describing work supported by NIH grants, which become freely available after a publisher’s embargo of no more than a year.  Papers that list only PMID refer to Pubmed listings, which provide an abstract and possibly a link to the publisher’s site; this is the case mainly for older papers that today would be covered by Pubmed Central. Recent talks and panel presentations are listed at the end.

  1. 1.Richard Bigelow, Norton R. Greenfeld, Peter Szolovits, and Frederick B. Thompson.  Specialized languages: An applications methodology.  In Proceedings of the 1973 National Computer Conference, M49-53. AFIPS Press, 1973.

  2. 2.Peter Szolovits.  A specialized language implementation facility.  REL Project Report 10, Calif. Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., 1973.

  3. 3.Peter Szolovits.  The REL Language Writer's Language: A Metalanguage for Implementing Specialized Applications Languages.  PhD thesis, Calif. Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 1974. Also  REL Project Report 14, Calif. Inst. of Tech, Pasadena, CA, 1974.

  4. 4.Frederick B. Thompson, Richard Bigelow, Norton R. Greenfeld, John Odden, and Peter Szolovits.  The REL animated film language.  In Proc. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Boulder, Co., 1974. ACM Siggraph.

  5. 5.Stephen G. Pauker, Peter Szolovits, Howard Silverman, William Swartout, and G. Anthony Gorry.  A computer program that captures clinical expertise about digitalis therapy and provides explanations of its recommendations.  In Computer Networking in the University: Success and Potential; Proc. of the EDUCOM Fall Conference, 187-189. EDUCOM, 1976.

  6. 6.Peter Szolovits and Stephen G. Pauker.  Research on a medical consultation system for taking the present illness.  In Proceedings of the Third Illinois Conference on Medical Information Systems. University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1976.

  7. 7.Peter Szolovits.  Remarks on scoring.  Class Notes, 1976.

  8. 8.Stephen G. Pauker and Peter Szolovits.  Analyzing and simulating taking the history of the present illness: Context formation.  In W. Schneider and A. L. Sagvall-Hein, editors, Computational Linguistics in Medicine, 109-118. North Holland, 1977.

  9. 9.Peter Szolovits, Lowell Hawkinson, and William A. Martin.  An overview of the OWL language for knowledge representation.  In Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Interaction with Databases, Schloss Laxenburg, Austria, 1977. Also appeared as Technical Report TR 86, MIT Lab for Computer Science, 1977.

  10. 10.Peter Szolovits.  The lure of numbers—how to live with and without them in medical diagnosis.  In B. E. Statland and S. Bauer, editors, Proceedings of the Colloquium in Computer-Assisted Decision Making Using Clinical and Paraclinical (Laboratory) Data, 65-76, Tarrytown, NY, 1978. Technicon Co.

  11. 11.Peter Szolovits.  Coordinating the use of categorical and probabilistic reasoning.  In W. B. Jarzembski and B. A. Rowley, editors, Proc. 1978 Computer Laboratory Health Care Resources Workshop, 21-43, Lubbock, Texas, 1978. Texas Technical University School of Medicine.

  12. 12.Peter Szolovits and Stephen G. Pauker.  Categorical and probabilistic reasoning in medical diagnosisArtificial Intelligence, 11:115-144, 1978. Reprinted in W. J. Clancey and E. H. Shortliffe, Readings in Medical Artificial Intelligence: The First Decade, Chapter 9, Addison-Wesley, 1984. Also available as HTML.

  13. 13.Peter Szolovits and Stephen G. Pauker.  Computers and clinical decision making: Whether, how, and for whom?.  Proceedings of the IEEE, 67:1224-1226, 1979.

  14. 14.Peter Szolovits.  Artificial intelligence and clinical problem solving.  Technical Memo TM-140, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 1979.

  15. 15.Peter Szolovits.  Brand X manual.  Technical Manual TM 186, MIT Lab for Computer Science, 1980.

  16. 16.W. A. Martin and Peter Szolovits.  Semantic networks in lisp: Fundamental concepts and a specific implementation.  Unpublished draft, 1981.

  17. 17.Ramesh S. Patil, Peter Szolovits, and William B. Schwartz.  Causal understanding of patient illness in medical diagnosis.  In Proc. Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 893-899, 1981.  Reprinted in W. J. Clancey and E. H. Shortliffe, Readings in Medical Artificial Intelligence: The First Decade, Chapter 14, Addison-Wesley, 1984.

  18. 18.Peter Szolovits.  Providing intelligent medical advice by computer.  In H. S. Eden and M. Eden, editors, Microcomputers in Patient Care, 96-113. Noyes Data Corp, Park Ridge, N.J., 1981.

  19. 19.Peter Szolovits and William A. Martin.  Brand X: Lisp support for semantic networks.  In Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 940-946, 1981.

  20. 20.Peter Szolovits, Ramesh S. Patil, and William B. Schwartz.  Reasoning methods in AI programs in medicine.  Unpublished manuscript, 1981.

  21. 21.Ramesh S. Patil, Peter Szolovits, and William B. Schwartz.  Information acquisition in diagnosis.  In Proc. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 345-348, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1982. American Association for Artificial Intelligence.

  22. 22.Peter Szolovits, editor.  Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, volume 51 of AAAS Selected Symposium Series.  Westview Press, Boulder, Colo., 1982.

  23. 23.Peter Szolovits.  Artificial intelligence and medicine.  In Szolovits P., ed., Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, chapter 1, 1-19.

  24. 24.Peter Szolovits and William J. Long.  The development of clinical expertise in the computer.  In Szolovits P., ed., Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 79-117.

  25. 25.Ramesh S. Patil, Peter Szolovits, and William B. Schwartz.  Modeling knowledge of the patient in acid-base and electrolyte disorders.  In Szolovits P., ed., Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 187-222.

  26. 26.Peter Szolovits.  Artificial intelligence methods for medical expert systems.  In Proc. Amer. Med. Informatics Assn. Congress 82. AMIA, 1982.

  27. 27.Ramesh S. Patil, Peter Szolovits, and William B.. Schwartz.  An experimental computer program that captures clinical expertise through in-depth causal reasoning.  Unpublished manuscript, 1983.

  28. 28.Peter Szolovits.  Using artificial intelligence models of medical decision making in medical education.  In J. Pages, A. H. Levy, F. Gremy, and J. Anderson, editors, Meeting the Challenge: Informatics and Medical Education, 271-281. North Holland, 1983.

  29. 29.Peter Szolovits.  Toward more perspicuous expert system organization.  SIGART Newsletter, 85:9, 1983.

  30. 30.William J. Long, Shapur Naimi, Modestino G. Criscitiello, Stephen G. Pauker, and Peter Szolovits.  An aid to physiological reasoning in the management of cardiovascular disease.  In IEEE Computers in Cardiology Conference, 3-6, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1984. IEEE.

  31. 31.Peter Szolovits.  Types of knowledge as bases for reasoning in medical AI programs.  In I. D. Lotto and M. Stefanelli, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artif. Intell. in Medicine, Pavia, Italy, 1986. North Holland (Elsevier).

  32. 32.Peter Szolovits.  Survey on expert systems.  In M. L. Brodie and J. Mylopoulos, editors, On Knowledge Base Management Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies, chapter 24. Springer-Verlag, 1986.

  33. 33.Peter Szolovits, Jerome P. Kassirer, William J. Long, Allan J. Moskowitz, Stephen G. Pauker, Ramesh S. Patil, and Michael P. Wellman.  An artificial intelligence approach to clinical decision making.  Technical Memo TM-310, MIT Lab for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, 1986.

  34. 34.A. R. Potvin, W. G. Crosier, E. Fromm, J. C. Lin, M. R. Neuman, T. C. Pilkington, C. J. Robinson, L. W. Schneider, J. W. Strohbehn, and P. Szolovits. Report of an IEEE task force–an IEEE opinion on research needs for biomedical engineering systems. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 33(1):48–59, Jan 1986. PMID: 3940989.

  35. 35.Peter Szolovits.  Expert systems tools and techniques: Past, present and future.  In W. E. L. Grimson and R. S. Patil, editors.  AI in the 1980s and Beyond: An MIT Survey.  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1987, 43-74.

  36. 36.W. B. Schwartz, R. S. Patil, and P. Szolovits. Artificial intelligence in medicine. Where do we stand?
    N Engl J Med, 316(11):685–688, Mar 1987. PMID: 3821801.

  37. 37.I. J. Haimowitz, R. S. Patil, and Peter Szolovits.  Representing Medical Knowledge in a Terminological Language is Difficult.  In Twelfth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 101-105, 1988.

  38. 38.P. Szolovits, R. S. Patil, and W. B. Schwartz. Artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis. Ann Intern Med, 108(1):80–87, Jan 1988. PMID: 3276267.

  39. 39.Peter Szolovits.  How can medical computer programs reason?  In S Furman, editor, Proceedings of CARDIOSTIM 88, 1988.

  40. 40.S. R. Simon, M. A. Weintraub, T. Bylander, D. Hirsch, and P. Szolovits.  Dr. Gait: An expert system for gait analysis.  In RESNA 12th Annual Conference. Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America, 1989.

  41. 41.L. R. Young, S. P. Colombano, G. Haymann-Haber, N. Groleau, and P. Szolovits.  An expert system to advise astronauts during experiments.  In International Astronautical Congress, Malaga, Spain, 1989.

  42. 42.D. E. Hirsch, S. R. Simon, T. Bylander, M. A. Weintraub, and P. Szolovits.  Using causal reasoning in gait analysisApplied Artificial Intelligence, 3(2-3):337-356, 1989.

  43. 43.S. R. Simon, T. Bylander, M. Weintraub, P. Szolovits, and D. E. Hirsch.  Dr. Gait: An expert system for gait analysisTransactions on Orthopedic Research, 13(2):330-331, 1989.

  44. 44.R. Franier, N. Groleau, R. Bhatnagar, C. Lam, M. Compton, S. Colombano, S. Lai, P. Szolovits, M. Manahan, I. Statler, and L. Young.  A comparison of CLIPS- and LISP-based approaches to the development of a real-time expert system.  In Proc. First CLIPS Conference, 321-333, 1990.

  45. 45.A. R. Meyer, J. V. Guttag, R. L. Rivest, and P. Szolovits, editors.  Research Directions in Computer Science: An MIT Perspective.  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991.

  46. 46.Peter Szolovits.  Knowledge-based systems.  In Meyer et al. Research Directions in Computer Science: An MIT Perspective, 317-370.

  47. 47.Paul Rosenbloom and Peter Szolovits, editors.  Proceedings: Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, 1992. AAAI, Press/MIT Press.

  48. 48.Peter Szolovits and Susan P. Pauker.  Pedigree analysis for genetic counseling.  In K. C. Lun et al., editors, MEDINFO 92, 679-683. Elsevier (North Holland), 1992.

  49. 49.P. Szolovits. Compilation for fast calculation over pedigrees. Cytogenet Cell Genet, 59(2-3):136–138,
    1992. PMID: 1737481. Also in J. W. MacCluer, A. Chakravarti, D. Cox, D. T. Bishop, S. J. Bale, and M. H. Skolnick, editors, Genetic Analysis Workshop 7: Issues in Gene Mapping and Detection of Major Genes, Basel, 1992. Karger.

  50. 50.S. P. Colombano, I. C. Statler, R. J. Frainier, L. R. Hazelton, N. Groleau, M. M. Compton, P. Szolovits, and L. R. Young.  The astronaut science advisor: Tradeoffs between communication with the ground and onboard intelligence.  In Proc. Computing in Aerospace 9, 1993.

  51. 51.N. Groleau, L. R. Hazelton, R. J. Frainier, M. M. Compton, S. P. Colombano, and P. Szolovits.  Portable computing: A fielded interactive scientific application in a small off-the-shelf package.  In Proc. Computing in Aerospace 9, San Diego, CA, 1993.

  52. 52.R. J. Frainier, N. Groleau, L. R. Hazelton, S. P. Colombano, M. M. Compton, I. Statler, P. Szolovits, and L. R. Young.  Pi-in-a-box: a knowledge-based system for space science experimentation.  In Fifth Annual Conf. on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 1993.

  53. 53.L. R. Hazelton, N. Groleau, R. J. Franier, M. M. Compton, S. P. Colombano, and P. Szolovits.  PI in the sky: The astronaut science advisor on SLS-2.  In Sixth Annual Space Operations and Research Conference, Houston, Texas, 1993.

  54. 54.P. Szolovits and S. G. Pauker. A coherent philosophy for development or a straightjacket for research?
    Methods Inf Med, 32(1):16–17, 1993. PMID: 21203680.

  55. 55.Peter Szolovits and Stephen G. Pauker.  Categorical and probabilistic reasoning in medicine revisitedArtificial Intelligence, 59:167-180, 1993.

  56. 56.Randall Davis, Howard Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits.  What is a knowledge representation?  AI Magazine, 14(1):17-33, 1993.

  57. 57.Richard Frainier, Nicolas Groleau, Lyman Hazelton, Silvano Colombano, Michael Compton, Irving Statler, Peter Szolovits, Laurence Young . Pi-in-a-box: a knowledge-based system for space science experimentation. AI Magazine, 15(1), March 1994.

  58. 58.Peter Szolovits, Jon Doyle, William J. Long, Isaac S. Kohane, and Stephen G. Pauker.  Guardian Angel: Patient-centered health information systems.  Technical Report 604, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 1994.

  59. 59.R. A. Greenes, G. O. Barnett, S. G. Pauker, P. Szolovits, and M. C. Weinstein.  The Harvard-MIT-NEMC research training program in medical informaticsYearbook of Medical Informatics, 105-110, 1994.

  60. 60.P. Szolovits and I. Kohane. Against simple universal health-care identifiers. J Am Med Inform Assoc,
    1(4):316–319, Jul-Aug 1994. PMCID: PMC116211.

  61. 61.Ross D. Shachter, Stig K. Andersen, and Peter Szolovits.  Global conditioning for probabilistic inference in belief networks.  In Proc. Tenth Conference on Uncertainty in AI, 514-522. Morgan Kaufmann, 1994.

  62. 62.Peter Szolovits.  A revolution in electronic medical record systems via the world wide web.  In The Use of Internet and World-Wide Web for Telematics in Healthcare, Geneva, Switzerland, 1995. International Association for the Advance of Health Information Technology (IAHIT).

  63. 63.P. Szolovits. Uncertainty and decisions in medical informatics. Methods Inf Med, 34(1-2):111–121, Mar
    1995. PMID: 9082120.

  64. 64.Peter Szolovits.  Sources of error and accountability in computer systems: Comments on ``Accountability in a computerized society''.  Science and Engineering Ethics, 2:43-46, 1996.

  65. 65.F. J. van Wingerde, J. Schindler, P. Kilbridge, P. Szolovits, C. Safran, D. Rind, S. Murphy, G. O.
    Barnett, and I. S. Kohane. Using HL7 and the World Wide Web for unifying patient data from remote
    . Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp, pages 643–647, 1996. PMCID: PMC2233237.

  66. 66.I. S. Kohane, P. Greenspun, J. Fackler, C. Cimino, and P. Szolovits. Building national electronic medical record systems via the World Wide Web. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 3(3):191–207, May-Jun
    1996. PMCID: PMC116301.

  67. 67.I. S. Kohane, F. J. van Wingerde, J. C. Fackler, C. Cimino, P. Kilbridge, S. Murphy, H. Chueh, D. Rind, C. Safran, O. Barnett, and P. Szolovits. Sharing electronic medical records across multiple heterogeneous and competing institutions. Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp, pages 608–612, 1996. PMCID: PMC2233175.

  68. 68.Zhao, R., Mark, R. G., & Szolovits, P. (1996). A model-based expert system for interpretation of hemodynamic data from ICU patients. Computers in cardiology, 1996, pages 585-588.

  69. 69.Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council, For the Record:  Protecting Electronic Health Information.  Washington,  DC:  National Academy Press, 1997.

  70. 70.K. Wang, F. J. van Wingerde, K. Bradshaw, P. Szolovits, and I. Kohane. A Java-based multi-institutional medical information retrieval system. Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp, pages 538–542, 1997. PMCID: PMC2233350.

  71. 71.J. D. Halamka, P. Szolovits, D. Rind, and C. Safran. A WWW implementation of national recommendations for protecting electronic health information. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 4(6):458–464, Nov-Dec
    1997. PMCID: PMC61263.

  72. 72.D. M. Rind, I. S. Kohane, P. Szolovits, C. Safran, H. C. Chueh, and G. O. Barnett. Maintaining the
    confidentiality of medical records shared over the Internet and the World Wide Web
    . Ann Intern Med,
    127(2):138–141, Jul 1997. PMID: 9230004.

  73. 73.Howard Shrobe, Jon Doyle, and Peter Szolovits.  Active trust management for autonomous adaptive survivable systems.  Grant proposal, 1999.

  74. 74.R. Zhao, R. G. Mark, and P. Szolovits.  A model-based expert system for improving assessment of patients with cardiovascular diseases in intensive care units.  Journal of the American College of Cardiology Supp., 33(2):5A, 1999.

  75. 75.I. S. Kohane, H. Dong, and P. Szolovits. Health information identification and de-identification toolkit.
    Proc AMIA Symp, pages 356–360, 1998. PMCID: PMC2232117.

  76. 76.B. Lo, E. Andrews, J. Colmers, G. Duncan, J. Goldman, C. W. Hendrix, M. C. Hornbrooks, L. Iezzoni, D. Kornfeld, E. Stone, P. Szolovits, and A. Waller.  Protecting Data Privacy in Health Services Research.  National Academy Press, 2000.

  77. 77.K. D. Mandl, P. Szolovits, and I. S. Kohane. Public standards and patients’ control: how to
    keep electronic medical records accessible but private
    . BMJ, 322(7281):283–287, Feb 2001. PMCID:

  78. 78.H. S. Fraser, D. Jazayeri, L. Bannach, P. Szolovits, and S. J. McGrath. TeleMedMail: free software
    to facilitate telemedicine in developing countries
    . Stud Health Technol Inform, 84(Pt 1):815–819, 2001. Also in Medinfo, 10(Pt 1):815-9, Oct 2001.  PMID: 11604848.

  79. 79.A. Riva, K. D. Mandl, D. H. Oh, D. J. Nigrin, A. Butte, P. Szolovits, and I. S. Kohane. The personal internetworked notary and guardian. Int J Med Inform, 62(1):27–40, Jun 2001. PMID: 11340004.

  80. 80.L. Mui, M. Mohtashemi, C. Ang, P. Szolovits, and A. Halberstadt.  Ratings in distributed systems: A Bayesian approach.  In Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), 2001.

  81. 81.Lik Mui, Peter Szolovits, Cheewee Ang. Collaborative sanctioning: applications in restaurant recommendations based on reputation. AGENTS '01: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Autonomous agents, May 2001.

  82. 82.Jon Doyle, Isaac Kohane, William Long, Howard Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits.  Event recognition beyond signature and anomaly.  In Proceedings of the Second IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop, 17-23. IEEE Computer Society, 2001.

  83. 83.W. J. Long, J. Doyle, G. Burke, and P. Szolovits Detection of Intrusion Across Multiple Sensors. Proc. AeroSense: Technologies and Systems for Defense & Security. 5107:21. Orlando, Florida, April 15-21, 2003.

  84. 84.P. Szolovits. Adding a medical lexicon to an English Parser. AMIA Annu Symp Proc, pages 639–643,
    2003. PMCID: PMC1480111.

  85. 85.Peter Szolovits.  Adding a medical lexicon to an English parser.  In AMIA Annual Symposium proceedings, 639-43, Jan 2004.

  86. 86.W. Long, S. Chung, K. D. Mandl, P. Szolovits, and M. Shannon. Diagnosis of bioagents and emerging diseasesMEDINFO 2004. 2004:1726.

  87. 87.R. Lacson, E. Lacson Jr, and P. Szolovits. Home hemodialysis queries. Medinfo. 2004;2004(CD):1702.

  88. 88.R. Lacson, E. Lacson Jr, and P. Szolovits. Discourse structure of medical dialogue. Medinfo. 2004;2004(CD):1703.

  89. 89.G. Fioriglio and P. Szolovits. Copy fees and patients’ rights to obtain a copy of their medical records:
    from law to reality
    . AMIA Annu Symp Proc, pages 251–255, 2005. PMCID: PMC1560890.

  90. 90.H. S. F. Fraser, P. Biondich, D. Moodley, S. Choi, B. W. Mamlin, and P. Szolovits. Implementing
    electronic medical record systems in developing countries
    . Inform Prim Care, 13(2):83–95, 2005. PMID:

  91. 91.T. Heldt, B. Long, G. C. Verghese, P. Szolovits, and R. G. Mark. Integrating data, models, and reasoning in critical care. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 1:350–353, 2006. PMID: 17946818.

  92. 92.T. Sibanda, T. He, P. Szolovits, and Ö. Uzuner. Syntactically-informed semantic category recognition in discharge summaries. AMIA Annu Symp Proc, pages 714–718, 2006. PMCID: PMC1839398.

  93. 93.P. Sebastiani, K. D. Mandl, P. Szolovits, I. S. Kohane, and M. F. Ramoni. A Bayesian dynamic model for influenza surveillance. Stat Med, 25(11):1803–1816, Jun 2006. PMID: 16645996.

  94. 94.M. Mohtashemi, P. Szolovits, J. Dunyak, and K. D. Mandl. A susceptible-infected model of early detection of respiratory infection outbreaks on a background of influenza. J Theor Biol, 241(4):954–963, Aug 2006. PMID: 16556450.

  95. 95.Özlem Uzuner, Peter Szolovits, and Isaac S. Kohane, editors.  i2b2 Workshop on Natural Language Processing Challenges for Clinical Records. AMIA & i2b2, 2006.

  96. 96.Ö. Uzuner, Y. Luo, and P. Szolovits. Evaluating the state-of-the-art in automatic de-identification. J
    Am Med Inform Assoc
    , 14(5):550–563, Sep-Oct 2007. PMCID: PMC1975792.

  97. 97.P. Szolovits. What is a grid? J Am Med Inform Assoc, 14(3):386, May-Jun 2007. PMCID:

  98. 98.L. A. Celi, L. C. Hinske, G. Alterovitz, and P. Szolovits. An artificial intelligence tool to predict fluid requirement in the intensive care unit: a proof-of-concept study. Crit Care, 12(6):R151, 2008. PMCID:

  99. 99.Ö. Uzuner, T. C. Sibanda, Y. Luo, and P. Szolovits. A de-identifier for medical discharge summaries.
    Artif Intell Med, 42(1):13–35, Jan 2008. PMCID: PMC2271040.

  100. 100.Y. Zhang and P. Szolovits. Patient-specific learning in real time for adaptive monitoring in critical care. J Biomed Inform, 41(3):452–460, Jun 2008. PMID: 18463000.

  101. 101.I. Neamatullah, M. M. Douglass, L.-w. H. Lehman, A. Reisner, M. Villarroel, W. J. Long, P. Szolovits,
    G. B. Moody, R. G. Mark, and G. D. Clifford. Automated de-identification of free-text medical records.
    BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 8:32, 2008. PMCID: PMC2526997.

  102. 102.Jeffrey Klann and Peter Szolovits. An intelligent listening framework for capturing encounter notes from a doctor-patient dialog. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE’ 2008), 70-74, 2008.

  103. 103.V. L. Patel, E. H. Shortliffe, M. Stefanelli, P. Szolovits, M. R. Berthold, R. Bellazzi, and A. Abu-Hanna. The coming of age of artificial intelligence in medicine. Artif Intell Med, 46(1):5–17, May 2009. PMCID: PMC2752210.

  104. 104.Peter Szolovits. Foreword to Ira J. Kalet, Principles of Biomedical Informatics. Academic Press, 2009.

  105. 105.William W. Stead, Herbert S. Lin, G. Octo Barnett, Susan B. Davidson, Eric Dishman, Deborah L. Estrin, Alon Halevy, Donald A. Norman, Ida Sim, Alfred Z. Spector, Peter Szolovits, Andries van Dam, and Gio Wiederhold.  Computational Technology for Effective Health Care: Immediate Steps and Strategic Directions.  National Academy Press, 2009.

  106. 106.G. D. Clifford, W. J. Long, G. B. Moody, and P. Szolovits. Robust parameter extraction for decision support using multimodal intensive care data. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 367(1887):411–429, Jan 2009. PMCID: PMC2617714.

  107. schraefel, Paul André, Ryen White, Desney Tan, Tim Berners-Lee, Sunny Consolvo, Robert Jacobs, Isaac Kohane, Christopher A. Le Dantec, Lena Mamykina, Gary Marsden, Ben Shneiderman, Peter Szolovits, Daniel Weitzner. Interacting with eHealth: towards grand challenges for HCI. CHI EA '09: Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, April 2009.

  108. 108.J. G. Klann and P. Szolovits. An intelligent listening framework for capturing encounter notes from a doctor-patient dialog. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 9 Suppl 1:S3, 2009. PMCID: PMC2773918.

  109. 109.C. W. Hug and P. Szolovits. ICU acuity: real-time models versus daily models. AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 2009:260–264, 2009. PMCID: PMC2815497.

  110. 110.K. P. Liao, T. Cai, V. Gainer, S. Goryachev, Q. Zeng-treitler, S. Raychaudhuri, P. Szolovits, S. Churchill, S. Murphy, I. Kohane, E. W. Karlson, and R. M. Plenge. Electronic medical records for discovery research in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken), 62(8):1120–1127, Aug 2010. PMCID: PMC3121049.

  111. 111.Committee on Future Information Architectures, Processes, and Strategies for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; National Research Council. Preliminary Observations on Information Technology Needs and Priorities for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: An Interim Report. National Academies Press, 2010.

  112. 112.Rohit Joshi, Kanak Kshetri, Choong-Hyun Lee and Peter Szolovits. Modeling Latent Pathophysiologic States. NIPS 2010 Workshop on Learning and Planning from Batch Time Series Data. 2010.

  113. 113.F. Kurreeman, K. Liao, L. Chibnik, B. Hickey, E. Stahl, V. Gainer, G. Li, L. Bry, S. Mahan, K. Ardlie, B. Thomson, P. Szolovits, S. Churchill, S. N. Murphy, T. Cai, S. Raychaudhuri, I. Kohane, E. Karlson, and R. M. Plenge. Genetic basis of autoantibody positive and negative rheumatoid arthritis risk in a multi-ethnic cohort derived from electronic health records. Am J Hum Genet, 88(1):57–69, Jan 2011. PMCID: PMC3014362.

  114. 114.I. S. Kohane and P. Szolovits. Marco Ramoni: an appreciation of academic achievement. J Am Med
    Inform Assoc
    , 18(4):367–369, Jul-Aug 2011. PMCID: PMC3128413.

  115. 115.R. S. Rudin, C. A. Salzberg, P. Szolovits, L. A. Volk, S. R. Simon, and D. W. Bates. Care transitions as opportunities for clinicians to use data exchange services: how often do they occur? J Am Med Inform Assoc, 18(6):853–858, Nov-Dec 2011. PMCID: PMC3197987.

  116. 116.Committee on Future Information Architectures, Processes, and Strategies for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; National Research Council. Strategies and Priorities for Information Technology at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. National Academies Press, 2011.

  117. 117.R. S. Rudin, E. C. Schneider, L. A. Volk, P. Szolovits, C. A. Salzberg, S. R. Simon, and D. W. Bates. Simulation Suggests that medical group mergers won’t undermine the potential utility of health information exchanges. Health Aff (Millwood), 31(3):548–559, Mar 2012. PMID: 22392665.

  118. 118.A. Bodnari, P. Szolovits, and Ö. Uzuner. MCORES: a system for noun phrase coreference resolution for clinical records. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 19(5):906–912, Sep-Oct 2012. PMCID: PMC3422821. [Supplement]

  119. 119.R. Joshi and P. Szolovits. Prognostic physiology: modeling patient severity in Intensive Care Units using radial domain folding. AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 2012:1276–1283, 2012. PMCID: PMC3540548.

  120. 120.K. P. Liao, F. Kurreeman, G. Li, G. Duclos, S. Murphy, R. Guzman, T. Cai, N. Gupta, V. Gainer, P. Schur, J. Cui, J. C. Denny, P. Szolovits, S. Churchill, I. Kohane, E. W. Karlson, and R. M. Plenge. Associations of autoantibodies, autoimmune risk alleles, and clinical diagnoses from the electronic medical records in rheumatoid arthritis cases and non-rheumatoid arthritis controls.. Arthritis Rheum, 65(3):571–581, Mar 2013. PMCID: PMC3582761.

  121. 121.A. N. Ananthakrishnan, V. S. Gainer, R. G. Perez, T. Cai, S.-C. Cheng, G. Savova, P. Chen, P. Szolovits, Z. Xia, P. L. De Jager, S. Y. Shaw, S. Churchill, E. W. Karlson, I. Kohane, R. H. Perlis, R. M. Plenge, S. N. Murphy, and K. P. Liao. Psychiatric co-morbidity is associated with increased risk of surgery in Crohn’s disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 37(4):445–454, Feb 2013. PMCID: PMC3552092.

  122. 122.A. N. Ananthakrishnan, V. S. Gainer, T. Cai, R. G. Perez, S.-C. Cheng, G. Savova, P. Chen, P. Szolovits, Z. Xia, P. L. De Jager, S. Shaw, S. Churchill, E. W. Karlson, I. Kohane, R. H. Perlis, R. M. Plenge, S. N. Murphy, and K. P. Liao. Similar risk of depression and anxiety following surgery or hospitalization for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Am J Gastroenterol, 108(4):594–601, Apr 2013. PMCID: PMC3627544.

  123. 123.K. P. Liao, D. Diogo, J. Cui, T. Cai, Y. Okada, V. S. Gainer, S. N. Murphy, N. Gupta, D. Mirel, A. N. Ananthakrishnan, P. Szolovits, S. Y. Shaw, S. Raychaudhuri, S. Churchill, I. Kohane, E. W. Karlson, and R. M. Plenge. Association between low density lipoprotein and rheumatoid arthritis genetic factors with low density lipoprotein levels in rheumatoid arthritis and non-rheumatoid arthritis controls. Ann Rheum Dis, 2014 Jun;73(6):1170-5. Epub 2013 May 28. PMCID: PMC3815491.

  124. 124.Ashwin N Ananthakrishnan, Tianxi Cai, Guergana Savova, Su-Chun C Cheng, Pei Chen, Raul G Perez, Vivian S Gainer, Shawn N Murphy, Peter Szolovits, Zongqi Xia, Stanley Shaw, Susanne Churchill, Elizabeth W Karlson, Isaac Kohane, Robert M Plenge, Katherine P Liao. Improving Case Definition of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis in Electronic Medical Records Using Natural Language Processing: A Novel Informatics Approach. Inflamm Bowel Dis 19(7) 1411-1420, 2013. PMCID: PMC3665760.

  125. 125.Ashwin N Ananthakrishnan, Su-Chun C Cheng, Tianxi Cai, Andrew Cagan, Vivian S Gainer, Peter Szolovits, Stanley Y Shaw, Susanne Churchill, Elizabeth W Karlson, Shawn N Murphy, Isaac Kohane, Katherine P Liao.  Association Between Reduced Plasma 25-hydroxy Vitamin D and Increased Risk of Cancer in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2014 May;12(5):821-7. Epub 2013 Oct 23. PMCID: PMC3995841.

  126. 126.AN Ananthakrishnan, Andrew Cagan, Vivian S Gainer, Tianxi Cai, Su-Chun C Cheng, Guergana Savova, Pei Chen, Peter Szolovits, Zongqi Xia, Philip L De Jager, Stanley Y Shaw, Susanne Churchill, Elizabeth W Karlson, Isaac Kohane, Robert M Plenge, Shawn N Murphy, Katherine P Liao. Normalization of Plasma 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Is Associated with Reduced Risk of Surgery in Crohn's Disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2013 Aug;19(9):1921-7. PMCID: PMC3720838.

  127. 127.Arjun K. Manrai, Isaac S. Kohane, Peter Szolovits. Urinary-cell mRNA and acute kidney-transplant rejection [letter]. N Engl J Med 369(19) 1859, 2013. PMID: 24195557.

  128. 128.Xia Z, Secor E, Chibnik L, Bove R, Cheng S, Chitnis T, Cagan A, Gainer V, Pei C, Liao K, Shaw S, Ananthakrischnan A, Szolovits P, Weiner H, Karlson E, Murphy S, Savova G, Cai T, Churchill S, Plenge R, Kohane I and De Jager P.  Modeling disease severity in multiple sclerosis using electronic health records.  PLoS One. 8 (11): e78927, 2013. PMCID: PMC3823928.

  129. 129.Ananthakrishnan AN, Cheng S, Cai T, Cagan A, Gainer VS, Szolovits P, Shaw SY, Churchill S, Karlson EW, Murphy SN, Kohane I, Liao KP. Serum Inflammatory Markers and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2014 Aug;12(8):1342-1348.e1. Epub 2014 Jan 7. PMCID: PMC4085150.

  130. 130.Chasin, R., Rumshisky, A., Uzuner, Ö., & Szolovits, P. (2014). Word sense disambiguation in the clinical domain: a comparison of knowledge-rich and knowledge-poor unsupervised methods. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2014 Jan 17. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002133. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 24441986.

  131. 131.Catherine A Brownstein, Alan H Beggs, Nils Homer, Barry Merriman, Timothy W Yu, Katherine C Flannery, Elizabeth T DeChene, Meghan C Towne, Sarah K Savage, Emily N Price, Ingrid A Holm, Lovelace J Luquette, Elaine Lyon, Joseph Majzoub, Peter Neupert, David McCallie, Peter Szolovits, Huntington F Willard, Nancy J Mendelsohn, Renee Temme, Richard S Finkel, Sabrina W Yum, Livija Medne, Shamil R Sunyaev, Ivan Adzhubey, Christopher A Cassa, Paul IW de Bakker, Hatice Duzkale, Piotr Dworzy¿ski, William Fairbrother, Laurent Francioli, Birgit H Funke, Monica A Giovanni, Robert E Handsaker, Kasper Lage, Matthew S Lebo, and Monkol Lek. An international effort towards developing standards for best practices in analysis, interpretation and reporting of clinical genome sequencing results in the CLARITY ChallengeGenome Biology 2014, 15:R53, 25 March 2014. PMCID: PMC4073084.

  132. 132.Velasquez A, Ghassemi M, Szolovits P, Park S, Osorio J, Dejam A, Celi L. Long-term outcomes of minor troponin elevations in the intensive care unit. Anaesth Intensive Care 42(3) 356-64, May 2014. PMID: 24794476.

  133. 133.Sinnott JA, Dai W, Liao KP, Shaw SY, Ananthakrishnan AN, Gainer VS, Karlson EW, Churchill S, Szolovits P, Murphy S, Kohane I, Plenge R, Cai T.  Improving the Power of Genetic Association Tests with Imperfect Phenotype Derived from Electronic Medical Records.  Human Genetics 133:1369–1382 (2014). PMCID: PMC4185241.

  134. 134.Ananthakrishnan AN, Cagan A, Gainer VS, Cheng SC, Cai T, Szolovits P, Shaw SY, Churchill S, Karlson EW, Murphy SN, Kohane I, Liao KP. Higher plasma vitamin D is associated with reduced risk of Clostridium difficile infection in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2014 May;39(10):1136-42. Epub 2014 Mar 18. PMID: 24641590. PMCID: PMC4187206.

  135. 135.Ananthakrishnan AN, Cagan A, Gainer VS, Cheng SC, Cai T, Scoville E, Konijeti GG, Szolovits P, Shaw SY, Churchill S, Karlson EW, Murphy SN, Kohane I, Liao KP. Thromboprophylaxis Is Associated With Reduced Post-hospitalization Venous Thromboembolic Events in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Mar 12. pii: S1542-3565(14)00359-0. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2014.02.034. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 24632349. PMCID: PMC4162859.

  136. 136.Ananthakrishnan AN, Cagan A, Gainer VS, Cheng SC, Cai T, Szolovits P, Shaw SY, Churchill S, Karlson EW, Murphy SN, Kohane I, Liao KP. Mortality and extraintestinal cancers in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and inflammatory bowel disease. J Crohns Colitis. 2014 Sep 1;8(9):956-63. doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2014.01.019. Epub 2014 Feb 19. PMCID: PMC4136996.

  137. 137.Luo, Y., Sohani, A. R., Hochberg, E. P., & Szolovits, P. (2014). Automatic lymphoma classification with sentence subgraph mining from pathology reports. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2014 Sep-Oct;21(5):824-32. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002443. Epub 2014 Jan 15. PMCID: PMC4147603.

  138. 138.Luo, Y., Riedlinger, G., & Szolovits, P. (2014). Text Mining in Cancer Gene and Pathway Prioritization. Cancer Informatics, 69–79. PMCID: PMC4216063.

  139. 139.Klann, J. G., Szolovits, P., Downs, S. M., Schadow, G.  Decision support from local data: Creating adaptive order menus from past clinician behavior. JBI 48: 84-93, April 2014.  PMCID: PMC4004673.

  140. 140.Ghassemi, M., Naumann, T., Doshi-Velez, F., Brimmer, N., Joshi, R., Rumshisky, A., & Szolovits, P. (2014). Unfolding Physiological State: Mortality Modelling in Intensive Care Units. KDD : Proceedings / International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 2014, 75–84. doi:10.1145/2623330.2623742. PMCID: PMC4185189.

  141. 141.Shu, J., Clifford, G. D., Long,  W. J., Moody, G. B., Szolovits, P. & Mark, R. G. An open-source, interactive Java-based system for rapid encoding of significant events in the ICU using the unified medical language system. Computers in Cardiology. IEEE, 2004.

  142. 142.Liao, K. P., Cai, T., Savova, G. K., Murphy, S. N., Karlson, E. W., Ananthakrishnan, A. N., et al. (2015). Development of phenotype algorithms using electronic medical records and incorporating natural language processing. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed), 350, h1885. PMCID: PMC4707569.

  143. 143.Ghassemi, M., Pimentel, M. A. F., Naumann, T., Brennan, T., Clifton, D. A., Szolovits, P., & Feng, M. (2015). A Multivariate Timeseries Modeling Approach to Severity of Illness Assessment and Forecasting in ICU with Sparse, Heterogeneous Clinical Data. AAAI 2015 Proceedings, 446–453. PMCID: PMC4864016.

  144. 144.Luo, Y., Xin, Y., Hochberg, E., Joshi, R., Uzuner, Ö., & Szolovits, P. (2015). Subgraph Augmented Non-Negative Tensor Factorization (SANTF) for Modeling Clinical Narrative Text. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. PMCID: PMC4986663.

  145. 145.Yu, S., Liao, K. P., Shaw, S. Y., Gainer, V. S., Churchill, S. E., Szolovits, P., et al. (2015). Toward high-throughput phenotyping: unbiased automated feature extraction and selection from knowledge sources. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22 (5): 993-1000. PMCID: PMC4986664.

  146. 146.Liao, K. P., Ananthakrishnan, A. N., Kumar, V., Xia, Z., Cagan, A., Gainer, V. S., et al. (2015). Methods to Develop an Electronic Medical Record Phenotype Algorithm to Compare the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease across 3 Chronic Disease Cohorts. PLoS ONE, 10(8), e0136651.

  147. 147.Kartoun, U., Kumar, V., Cheng, S.C., Yu, S., Liao, K., Karlson, E., Ananthakrishnan, A., Xia, Z., Gainer, V., Cagan, A., Savova, G., Chen, P., Murphy, S., Churchill, S., Kohane, I., Szolovits, P., Cai, T., and Shaw, S.Y. Demonstrating the advantages of applying data mining techniques on time- dependent electronic medical records. Proc. of American Medical Informatics Association 2015 Annual Symposium. Nov. 2015, San Francisco, CA.

  148. 148.Stubbs, A., Uzuner, Ö., Kotfila, C., Goldstein, I., Szolovits, P. “Challenges in Synthesizing Surrogate PHI in Narrative EMRs”. In Gkoulalas-Divanis, A. and Loukides, G., eds. Medical Data Privacy Handbook.  Springer, 2015.

  149. 149.Y.Luo, Ö.Uzuner,and P.Szolovits. Bridging semantics and syntax with graph algorithms: state-of-the-art of extracting biomedical relations. Brief Bioinform, Feb 2016. PMCID: PMC5221425.

  150. 150.Y. Luo, F. Wang, and P. Szolovits. Tensor factorization toward precision medicine. Brief Bioinform, Mar 2016. PMID: 26994614.

  151. 151.M. Hoogendoorn, P. Szolovits, L. M. G. Moons, and M. E. Numans. Utilizing uncoded consultation notes from electronic medical records for predictive modeling of colorectal cancer. Artif Intell Med, 69:53–61, May 2016. PMCID: PMC4884499

  152. 152.M. Hoogendoorn, T. Berger, A. Schulz, T. Stolz, and P. Szolovits. Predicting Social Anxiety Treatment Outcome based on Therapeutic Email Conversations. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform, Aug 2016. PMID: 27542187. DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2016.2601123

  153. 153.A. K. Manrai, B. H. Funke, H. L. Rehm, M. S. Olesen, B. A. Maron, P. Szolovits, D. M. Margulies, J. Loscalzo, and I. S. Kohane. Genetic Misdiagnoses and the Potential for Health Disparities. N Engl J Med, 375(7):655–665, Aug 2016. PMCID: PMC5292722.

  154. 154.A. E. W. Johnson, T. J. Pollard, L. Shen, L.-W. H. Lehman, M. Feng, M. Ghassemi, B. Moody, P. Szolovits, L. A. Celi, and R. G. Mark. MIMIC-III, a freely accessible critical care database. Sci Data, 3:160035, 2016. PMCID: PMC4878278.

  155. 155.S. Yu, A. Chakrabortty, K. P. Liao, T. Cai, A. N. Ananthakrishnan, V. S. Gainer, S. E. Churchill, P. Szolovits, S. N. Murphy, I. S. Kohane, and T. Cai. Surrogate-assisted feature extraction for high-throughput phenotyping. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2017 Apr 1;24(e1):e143-e149. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocw135. PMID: 27632993.

  156. 156.Y. Luo and P. Szolovits. Efficient Queries of Stand-off Annotations for Natural Language Processing on Electronic Medical Records. Biomed Inform Insights, 8:29–38, 2016. PMCID: PMC4954589.

  157. 157.Y. Luo, P. Szolovits, A. S. Dighe, and J. M. Baron. Using Machine Learning to Predict Laboratory Test Results. Am J Clin Pathol, 145(6):778–788, Jun 2016. PMID: 27329638.

  158. 158.M. Wu, M. Ghassemi, M. Feng, L. A. Celi, P. Szolovits, and F. Doshi-Velez. Understanding vasopressor intervention and weaning: Risk prediction in a public heterogeneous clinical time series database. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2017 May 1;24(3):488-495. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocw138. PMID: 27707820.

  159. 159.A. Rumshisky, M. Ghassemi, T. Naumann, P. Szolovits, V. M. Castro, T. H. McCoy, and R. H. Perlis. Predicting early psychiatric readmission with natural language processing of narrative discharge summaries. Translational Psychiatry 6.10 (Oct. 2016), e921–5. PMCID: PMC5315537

  160. 160.F. Dernoncourt, J. Y. Lee, Ö. Uzuner, and P. Szolovits. De-identification of Patient Notes with Recurrent Neural Networks. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 24 (3): 596-606, 2017. PMID: 28040687

  161. 161.F. Dernoncourt, J. Y. Lee, Ö. Uzuner, and P. Szolovits. Feature-Augmented Neural Networks for Patient Note De-identification. In COLING, December 2016.

  162. 162.Ong, M.-S., Mullen, M. P., Austin, E. D., Szolovits, P., Natter, M., Geva, A., et al. (2017). Learning a Comorbidity-Driven Taxonomy of Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension. Circulation Research, 121:341-353. PMCID: PMC5559726

  163. 163.Ghassemi, M., Wu, M., Hughes, M. C., Szolovits, P., & Doshi-Velez, F. (2017). Predicting intervention onset in the ICU with switching state space models. Proceedings AMIA Summit on Translational Science, 2017, 82–91. PMCID: PMC5543372

  164. 164.Raghu, A., Komorowski, M., Celi, L. A., Szolovits, P., & Ghassemi, M. (2017). Continuous State-Space Models for Optimal Sepsis Treatment - a Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach.

  165. 165.Luo, Y., Uzuner, Ö., & Szolovits, P. (2017). Bridging semantics and syntax with graph algorithms-state-of-the-art of extracting biomedical relations. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 18(1), 160–178. PMID: 28472242

  166. 166.Suresh, H., Szolovits, P., & Ghassemi, M. (2017, March 20). The Use of Autoencoders for Discovering Patient Phenotypes.

  167. 167.Dernoncourt, F., Lee, J. Y., & Szolovits, P. (2017, March 23). Relation Extraction with Convolutional Neural Networks. Semeval.

  168. 168.Dernoncourt, F., Lee, J. Y., & Szolovits, P. (2017, May 15). NeuroNER: an easy-to-use program for named-entity recognition based on neural networks.

  169. 169.Lee, J. Y., Dernoncourt, F., & Szolovits, P. (2017, May 17). Transfer Learning for Named-Entity Recognition with Neural Networks.

  170. 170.Luo, Y., Cheng, Y., Uzuner, Ö., Szolovits, P., & Starren, J. (2017). Segment convolutional neural networks (Seg-CNNs) for classifying relations in clinical notes. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 1–6.

  171. 171.Suresh, H., Hunt, N., Johnson, A., Celi, L. A., Szolovits, P., & Ghassemi, M. (2017). Clinical Intervention Prediction and Understanding with Deep Neural Networks (pp. 1–16). Presented at the mlhc2017.

  172. 172.Luo Y, Szolovits P, Dighe AS, Baron JM. 3D-MICE: integration of cross-sectional and longitudinal imputation for multi-analyte longitudinal clinical data. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2017 Nov 30. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocx133. PMID: 29202205

  173. 173.Weng WH, Wagholikar KB, McCray AT, Szolovits P, Chueh HC. Medical subdomain classification of clinical notes using a machine learning-based natural language processing approach. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2017 Dec 1;17(1):155. doi: 10.1186/s12911-017-0556-8. PMCID: PMC5709846

  174. 174.Yu S, Ma Y, Gronsbell J, Cai T, Ananthakrishnan AN, Gainer VS, Churchill SE, Szolovits P, Murphy SN, Kohane IS, Liao KP, Cai T. Enabling phenotypic big data with PheNorm. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 Jan 1;25(1):54-60. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocx111. PMID: 29126253

Recent Talks

  1. 1.4/8/2009. Health Information Technology and the Personal Health Record, CHI 2009, Boston, MA.

  2. 2.4/16/2009. Health Care Challenges for Computer Science, Northeastern University Distinguished Lecture, Boston, MA.

  3. 3.4/30/2009. Panel on Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Healthcare IT Industry, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA.

  4. 4.5/8/2009. The Personal Health Record: Implications for Research, Symposium on Collaboration: Information Technology and Biomedical Research, USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA.

  5. 5.5/12/2009. Panel on Improving Patient Safety and Clinical Workflow: System Integration through Medical Device Interoperability, CIMIT Forum, MGH, Boston, MA.

  6. 6.7/26/2009. Ontologies and Beyond.  Panel presentation at the International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies, Buffalo, NY.

  7. 7.3/23/2010. Contemporary Clinical Research: the i2b2 Approach. Division of Biomedical Informatics, UC San Diego.

  8. 8.5/26/2010. Desiderata for the New Health Information Technology Initiatives. MIT CSAIL Industrial Affiliates Program, Cambridge, MA.

  9. 9.6/14/2010. Possibilities for Healthcare Computing. Keynote, Third U.S.-China Computer Science Leadership Summit, Beijing, China.

  10. 10.6/17/2010. Information Technology to Improve Health Care for Society. Keynote, 2010 China Computer Federation Conference on Future Computing, Changsha, China.

  11. 11.7/10/2010. I2B2 NLP Challenges. BioLINK SIG Workshop: Linking Literature, Information and Knowledge for Biology.  ISMB 2010, Boston, Massachusetts.

  12. 12.10/7/2010. Capturing Primary Medical Data from Doctor/Patient Conversations. Nuance Corp., Burlington, Massachusetts.

  13. 13.11/14/2010. Computer Science in Bio-Medical Informatics. Panel presentation, AMIA Fall Symposium. Washington, DC.

  14. 14.11/16/2010. Doing Time in Medical Decision Support Systems. Panel presentation, AMIA Fall Symposium. Washington, DC.

  15. 15.12/9/2010. How Computer Science Research should Help Improve Healthcare. Harvard School of Public Health Colloquium Seminar. Boston MA.

  16. 16.1/4/2011. Natural Language Processing Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Computing. Basis Technology, Inc. Cambridge, MA.

  17. 17.3/29/2011. Challenges and Possibilities for Health Care Computing. Distinguished Lecture, Wayne State University, Detroit MI.

  18. 18.7/2/2011. Exploiting Clinical Data for Research. Keynote, Workshop on Learning from Clinical Text, Seattle, WA.

  19. 19.11/17/2011. Predictive Modeling. Harvard Medical School Biomedical Informatics Seminar, Boston, MA.

  20. 20.12/14/2011. Predictive Modeling in Intensive Care. Children’s Hospital of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH.

  21. 21.1/19/2012. Predictive Modeling in Intensive Care. Arizona State University, Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Scottsdale, AZ.

  22. 22.1/24/2012. Predictive Modeling in Intensive Care. Division of Biomedical Informatics, University of California, San Diego.

  23. 23.8/11/2012. Predictive Modeling in Intensive Care. Meaningful Use of Complex Medical Data (MUCMD), Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

  24. 24.12/4/2012. Combining Knowledge Rich and Evidence Driven Approaches Based on Large Amounts of EHR Data. Siemens-MIT Program Review, MIT, Cambridge, MA.

  25. 25.5/3/2013. Mining Clinical Data to build Predictive Model. Keynote at 2013 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Austin, TX.

  26. 26.5/3/2013. Panel “On Being a Successful Data Scientist in the Big Data Era”. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Austin, TX.

  27. 27.7/18/2013. Mining Clinical Data to build Predictive Models. MIT ILP—Epoch Foundation Taiwan Symposium on “Big Data: Technologies and Applications,”  Taipei, Taiwan.

  28. 28.7/22-23/2013.  Mining Clinical Data to build Predictive Models. Presented on visits to Astellas Pharmaceuticals, Fujitsu, and Toshiba, Tokyo, Japan.

  29. 29.9/25/2013. “New Diagnostics — or, Opportunities to Exploit Data”. Inaugural IMES Symposium (Converge, Create, Cure), MIT, Cambridge, MA.

  30. 30.11/25/2013. Mining Clinical Data to build Predictive Models. Computer Science Distinguished Lecture, U Mass, Amherst, MA.

  31. 31.12/4/2013. Mining Clinical Data to build Predictive Models.  Boston Informatics and Research Training Seminar, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

  32. 32.12/9/2013. Exploiting Clinical Data for Medical Research and Predictive Modeling.  MGH Laboratory for Quantitative Modeling, Cambridge, MA.

  33. 33.1/7/2014. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Clinical Data.  Critical Data: Secondary Use of Big Data from Critical Care. Cambridge, MA.

  34. 34.3/26/2014. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Clinical Data.  Big Data Analytics: Challenges in Big Data for Data Mining, Machine Learning and Statistics. Cambridge, MA.

  35. 35.7/25/2014. Does Narrative Complement Codified Data as a Driver for Autism Research?. Simons Center for the Social Brain, MIT, Cambridge, MA.

  36. 36.7/27/2014. How AI Can Help Realize the Learning Healthcare System? AAAI Workshop on Modern AI for Health Analytics. Quebec City, Canada.

  37. 37.10/17/2014. Toward the Learning Healthcare System. Keynote at U. Wisconsin CIBM Annual Retreat. Madison, Wisconsin.

  38. 38.11/5/2014. How to Learn in “The Learning Healthcare System”. National Library of Medicine Informatics Lecture Series. Bethesda, MD.

  39. 39.11/17/2014.  Evolution of Decision Support and Clinical Reasoning Systems. AMIA Symposium, Panel on History of Medical Informatics. Washington, DC.

  40. 40.9/29/2015. Clinical Decision Support: What's "Old" is New Again. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

  41. 41.11/14/2015. Predictive Analytics: The Promise and Problems of Change. 2nd Workshop on Data Mining for Medical Informatics: Predictive Analytics. AMIA Symposium, San Francisco, CA.

  42. 42.11/17/2015. State of the Art of Clinical Narrative Report De-Identification and Its Future. AMIA Symposium, San Francisco, CA.

  43. 43.12/11/2015. Computational Identification of Complex Patterns and Temporal Trajectories within Sets of Clinical Laboratory Results. MIT-MGH Grand Challenge Workshop: Diagnostics.

  44. 44.1/8/2016. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Past, Present, and Future. Pediatrics 2040, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, CA.

  45. 45.9/23/2016. Analyzing our Health. (Panel moderator.) MIT IDSS Launch Event. Cambridge, MA.

  46. 46.12/13/2017. Interpreting Clinical Narratives: from Linguistic Understanding to Neural Network Modeling. Boston University Natural Language Symposium, Boston, MA.

  47. 47.12/18/2017. Toward Automatic Coding and Normalization Strategies. Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

  48. 48.3/27/2018. Panel moderator: Benefits of Collaboration. Achieving a Learning Health System for Diagnostic Excellence. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

  49. 49.3/30/2018. Panel moderator: Challenges, Opportunities, and Progress. AI and Digital Health in Translational Medicine and Clinical Trials. MIT.

  50. 50.4/27/2018. Knowledge and Learning: How we moved toward data-driven decision support. Keynote, NorthEast Computational Health Summit. IBM Watson Health, Cambridge, MA